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Society of Architectural Historians 2021 Conference Panel Presentation
Past Events & Lectures
Guest lecture. "Recovering histories of plants and people in a forgotten plantation landscape: histories and methods," in the undergraduate course: "Botanical Bodies: Plants, Medicine & Colonialism in the History of Science," taught by Dr. Elaine Ayers, Yale University, February 13. [Lecture prepared for Week 5: "Enslaved Bodies: The Rise of Plantation Agriculture"].
Guest lecture for graduate course: "Survey of Methods for Environment and Society," taught by Dr. Spencer Adams, Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany, January 28 (virtual).
Invited talk. "The Needle in the Haystack: Charting New Energy Histories of Early America with Plants, Maps, and Digital Methods." Boston Public Library Norman B. Leventhal Map & Education Center, Boston, Massachusetts, December 4.
Invited talk. "Allmaps and the Power of Assemblage: Integrating Layered Maps and Digital Collections on a Static Site." National Endowment for the Humanities Allmaps Public Convening. American Geographical Society Library, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and Boston Public Library Norman B. Leventhal Map & Education Center, November 18.
Co-convener, with Blake Earle (Texas A&M University at Galveston). "The Petroleum Century and the Transformation of Global Landscapes." Double panel session chaired by Brian Black. / Presenter: "'A Most Attractive Laboratory': The New Jersey Meadowlands, Warfare, and the Making of the 'Petroleum World' (1880-1972)." 4th World Congress of Environmental History, Oulu, Finland, August 22.
Invited talk (to fellows cohort). "Revolutions in the Grass: Coastal Meadow Transformation in the Atlantic Seaboard Colonies 1740-1815." John Carter Brown Library, Providence, RI, June 28.
Presenter. "Fixing Petrocapital: How Offshore Oil Money Has Shaped American Landscapes and Waterfronts." Panel: Petroculture and American Society. Chair: Darin Barney. Petrocultures Conference, "Oil Cities and Post-Oil Cities." Los Angeles, California, May 16.
Participant and convener. "Extraction's Visual Cultures: Workshopping Media, Materiality and Methods." Roundtable. Chair: Dolly Jørgensen. American Society for Environmental History Annual Conference, Denver, CO, April 3-7.
Commentator. "Reimagining Flooding in the Era of Climate Change: What Environmental History Offers to Navigate a Watery World." Chair: Preston Decker. American Society for Environmental History Annual Conference, Denver, CO, April 3-7.
Guest speaker. “Sustainable Urban Design Theory” Master’s course. Taught by Pollyanna Rhee, Assistant Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. November 7.
Presenter/co-convener, with Meg Griscom (Senior Associate, Reed Hilderbrand). Deep Dive Session: “Water or Waste? Adaptive Approaches to Water Resources Management.” American Society of Landscape Architects Annual Conference on Landscape Architecture, Minneapolis, MN, October 27-30. Session Guide available here.
Commentator. Abigail Goode (Plymouth State University). "Agrotopias: Agrarianism, Eugenics, and Sustainability.” Yale Agrarian Studies Colloquium. Yale University, New Haven, CT. October 13.
Participant/commentator. "Black and Green? Towards an Environmental History of the Oil Industry" Paper Workshop. Organizers: Odinn Melsted, Cyrus Mody, and Simone Schleper (Maastricht University), Christof Mauch (Rachel Carson Center). LMU Munich/Rachel Carson Center, Munich, Germany, June 15-16.
Presenter/participant. "Mapping Lively Landscapes." Roundtable: "How to Map: A Roundtable on Cartography and GIS for Environmental Historians." Chair: Kathleen Brosnan. American Society for Environmental History Annual Conference. Boston, MA, March 22-26.
Presenter/participant. "Practice-Related Approaches to Studying Material Flows." University College London Human Geography Seminar. Hybrid in-person/online event, February 7.
Presenter/participant. "Landscapes of Petroleum Transfer." Yale Environmental Humanities Graduate Research Symposium. New Haven, CT, December 14.
Presenter/participant. "Studying and Shaping Landscapes as Systems, Technologies, and Vivifacts." Roundtable: "Writing and Making the Constructed Environment: Grounding Creative Practices in Histories of Technology." Chair: Saima Akhtar. Society for the History of Technology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, November 12.
Presenter/panelist. "Provisioning Parks in Petrochemical America." Panel: "Viscous Histories: Landscapes of the US Petroleum Industry." Chair: Eve Blau. Society for American City and Regional Planning History Conference, Harlem, NY, October 22.
Presenter/panelist. "Scaling Landscape History." Panel: "Landscape Inquiries: New Directions." Chair: D. Fairchild Ruggles. Society of Architectural Historians 75th Annual International Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, April 27–May 2.
Commentator. "Forest Planting and Community Renewal in Urban Landscapes." Panel Chair: Joanna Dean. American Society for Environmental History Annual Conference, Eugene, OR, March 23–27.
Presenter/panelist. "'Green Acres,' Toxic Waters: Landscapes of Justice and Injustice in Newark’s 'Sacrifice Zone.'" Panel: "New Jersey’s Natures Part II: Environmental Histories in the 20th Century." Panel Chair: Neil Maher. American Society for Environmental History Annual Conference, Eugene, OR, March 23–27.
Event Organizer. "Landscape Citizenships, A Roundtable." Yale Environmental Humanities and Yale Environmental History Virtual Public Event with Thaïsa Way, Ed Wall, Tim Waterman & Jane Wolff. October 29.
Guest Lecturer. "Landscape, Architecture, Environment: The Design Professions and Fields of Praxis." The Hotchkiss School, Lakeville, CT, May 26 & 27. One of three lectures in a Visiting Alumni Architects Series.
Presenter/panelist. "The Designed Landscapes of the Black Freedom Movement in Watts, Los Angeles." Panel: "Change, Time, and Designed Landscapes." Chair: Marc Treib. Society of Architectural Historians 74th Annual International Conference, April 14–19. * Presentation available above and on YouTube.
Presenter. "'Changing the Face of Watts': A Visual History of Community Organizing and Landscape Change in Watts, Los Angeles.” Yale Environmental History Colloquium, March 31.
Moderator. "Urban Lowlands: A History of Neighborhoods, Poverty, and Planning." Yale Environmental History Author Talk with Steven T. Moga, Yale University, March 3.
Presenter, with Kristine Ericson. “Design Thinking and Historical Practice.” Holmes Workshop, Program in the History of Science and Medicine, Yale University, November 9.
Moderator. “Researching and Writing Histories of Disaster: A Conversation with Andy Horowitz, Author of Katrina: A History 1915–2015.” Yale Environmental History Virtual Event, October 7.
Presenter/panelist. “Reparative Urban Environmental History.” Panel: “The Struggle for an Environmental Right to the City." Chair: Jennifer Derr. American Society for Environmental History Annual Conference, Ottawa, Canada, March 25–29. [cancelled due to COVID-19]
Presenter/panelist. “Urban Agriculture in Los Angeles, 1965–2019.” Panel: “Urban Landscapes in Flux: Environmental Visibility and Change in 19th and 20th Century Cities.” Chair: Steven T. Moga. Society for American City and Regional Planning History Biennial Conference, Arlington, VA, November 2.
Presenter. “Site and Shelter: Design for the ‘Whole Landscape.’” New England Chapter for the Society of Architectural Historians Graduate Student Symposium. Boston University, Boston, MA, April 6.
Tour leader. “Harvard Graduate Center Walking Tour.” Organized in conjunction with “The Bauhaus and Harvard” and "Hans Arp's Constellations" exhibitions at The Harvard Art Museums. April 26, May 11, May 20, and July 27.
Presenter. “Richard Lippold’s World-Tree and the Bauhaus Legacy in Harvard’s Space-Garden.” Gallery talk at The Harvard Art Museums. Organized in conjunction with “The Bauhaus and Harvard” and "Hans Arp's Constellations" exhibitions. April 30 and July 2.
Presenter. “Building, Dwelling, Landscape—The Bauhaus in Dessau.” Gallery talk at The Harvard Art Museums. Organized in conjunction with “The Bauhaus and Harvard” and "Hans Arp's Constellations" exhibitions. February 12.
Presenter/panelist. “Surveying Sites Unseen: Trees, Representation and Power.” Panel: “Environmental Images and Calculations.” Chair: Joshua MacFadyen. American Society for Environmental History Annual Conference, Riverside, CA, March 17. For a condensed version, see my #ASEH2018Tweets Presentation.
Presenter. “Trees and their representation, meaning, and use in Verplanck Colvin’s Adirondack Surveys, 1872–1899.” Graduate Workshop in Garden and Landscape Studies, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washington, DC, June 5–23.