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Articles & Chapters
“Provisioning Parks in Petrochemical America: Origins and Legacies of the Land and Water Conservation Fund.” Journal of Energy History. Special issue on environmental histories of the petroleum industry. Edited by Cyrus Mody, Odinn Melsted, and Simone Schleper. (peer-reviewed)
"Parks, Planning, and the Quest for Justice in Newark’s 'Sacrifice Zone'." New Jersey’s Natures: Environmental Histories of the Garden State. Edited by Raechel Lutz. (peer-reviewed)
"From Consumption to Care: Watering for the Planthropocene,” with Meg Griscom and Beka Sturges. Landscape Research. Special Issue on ‘Landscapes and Care.' Edited by Zannah Mae Matson and Tim Waterman. (peer-reviewed)
in press
“Fountain Square,” “West Austin Historic District,” “Temple Square,” and “Salt Lake City Capitol Historic District.” Society of Architectural Historians Archipedia. Edited by Gabrielle Esperdy and Karen Kingsley. Charlottesville: UVaP, 2012—. Co-authored with Thaïsa Way.
“Site and Shelter: Design for the ‘Whole Landscape.’” Platform 12: How About Now?. Edited by Carrie Bly, Isabella Frontado, and Natasha Hicks. Harvard University Graduate School of Design; Actar, 2019. Master in Design Studies Thesis Profile and Excerpts.
“The Desert Bloom File.” Platform 10: Live Feed. Edited by Jon Lott and John May. Harvard University Graduate School of Design; Actar, 2017. Landscape Architecture Core IV Studio Project, with Pierre Bélanger, Michelle Benoit, Daniel Berdichevsky, Meredith Chavez, Ana Garcia, Mengting Ge, Yanick Lay, Mengfan Sha, Marisa Villarreal.