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Events & Lectures


Guest lecture for graduate course: "Survey of Methods for Environment and Society," taught by Dr. Spencer Adams, Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany, January 28 (virtual).

Guest lecture for undergraduate course: "Botanical Bodies: Plants, Medicine & Colonialism in the History of Science," taught by Dr. Elaine Ayers, Yale University, February 13. [Week 5: "Enslaved Bodies: The Rise of Plantation Agriculture," Lecture title TBD].

Invited talk (to fellows cohort). “Between Place and Planet: Digital Tools for Public Scholarship in the Environmental Humanities.” American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, PA, February 25 (virtual).

Paper workshop. Dissertation chapter. Environmental History Working Group, Yale University, New Haven, CT, April 3.

Presenter/panelist. "Shifting States: Sand Drains and Saltmarsh Urbanism, 1948-20XX." Panel: "Dividing Lines: The Legacy of the Interstate in the American City." Chairs: Amanda Reeser Lawrence (Northeastern University) and Lucy Maulsby (Northeastern University). Society of Architectural Historians 78th Annual International Conference, Atlanta, GA, April 30–May 4.

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